Medical Dictionary

Somogyi effect

noun So·mo·gyi effect \ˈsō-mō-jē-\

Medical Definition of SOMOGYI EFFECT

:  hyperglycemia following an episode of hypoglycemia; especially :  hyperglycemia that occurs after breakfast following nocturnal hypoglycemia and that may occur in type 1 diabetes especially when too much insulin has been taken the day before—called also Somogyi phenomenon; compare dawn phenomenon

Biographical Note for SOMOGYI EFFECT

Somogyi, Michael (1883–1971), American biochemist. Somogyi was head chemist in Budapest's municipal laboratories before immigrating to the United States and becoming an instructor of biochemistry at Washington University's medical school and a biochemist at the Jewish Hospital of St. Louis. In 1926 he introduced a method for determining reducing sugars in human blood. In 1940 he developed a method for the determination of serum amylase in healthy and diabetic individuals. He is also credited with devising a test for acute pancreatitis.


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